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Prisoners Could Be Sent To Estonia In Desperate Bid To Tackle Tory Jail Crisis

Prisoners could be sent to Estonia in desperate bid to tackle Tory jail crisis

Government in talks to house inmates in foreign prisons amid overcrowding and violence

Move would see UK prisoners transferred to Estonia, with potential for other countries to follow

The UK government is in talks with Estonia about sending prisoners to the Baltic state in a bid to tackle the jail crisis in England and Wales. The move, which would see UK prisoners transferred to Estonia, is being considered as part of a range of options to address overcrowding and violence in prisons. The Ministry of Justice confirmed that it is in "exploratory discussions" with the Estonian government about the possibility of transferring prisoners. If an agreement is reached, it would be the first time that the UK has sent prisoners to a foreign country. The move has been met with criticism from some quarters, who argue that it is a "desperate" measure that will not solve the underlying problems in the prison system. The Prison Reform Trust said that the government should instead focus on reducing the number of people sent to prison and investing in rehabilitation. However, the government argues that the transfer of prisoners is a necessary step to address the immediate crisis in the prison system. The number of prisoners in England and Wales has risen by more than 20,000 in the last decade, and prisons are now operating at 102% of capacity. The government says that the transfer of prisoners will help to relieve overcrowding and reduce violence in prisons. It also argues that the move will save money, as it costs around £30,000 per year to keep a prisoner in jail in the UK. The Estonian government has said that it is open to the possibility of housing UK prisoners. However, it is not clear how many prisoners would be transferred, or how much it would cost. The government has not yet made a final decision on whether to transfer prisoners to Estonia. However, the move is being considered as part of a range of options to address the jail crisis.

What are the pros and cons of sending prisoners to Estonia?

There are a number of potential pros and cons to sending prisoners to Estonia. **Pros:** * It could help to relieve overcrowding in English and Welsh prisons. * It could reduce violence in prisons. * It could save money. **Cons:** * It is a "desperate" measure that will not solve the underlying problems in the prison system. * It could lead to prisoners being mistreated or abused. * It could damage the UK's reputation.

What are the other options for addressing the jail crisis?

There are a number of other options for addressing the jail crisis, including: * Reducing the number of people sent to prison. * Investing in rehabilitation. * Building new prisons. * Releasing prisoners early. * Transferring prisoners to other countries. The government is likely to consider all of these options before making a final decision on how to address the jail crisis.
